In this week's video, I reveal a question that changed my life. A couple years ago, I was working a job I did not like. I was stuck in fear and lack of self-confidence. I went to a yoga retreat and the yoga teacher asked us this question. I began to journal about it and realized a ton of things.
My answer to this question made me quit the job I had. I began to pursue the work I truly wanted to be doing. I became more confident in my path because I realized why I felt so stuck before. Now that I knew the truth, there was nothing that was going to stop me.
Now just tonight, I asked myself the question again. It helped me get to core of what I truly want at this point in my life and what will make me happy. Fear can hold us back. Don't let it hold you back. In this week's video, I ask you this question and tell you more about why it can be so transformative.